About the Blog

The Other Side

This is a venue for us to know and understand the one
which most of us don't even take a chance to look upon...
the most neglected of all issues,
the most silent but the most hurting anatomy of every story...
the other side of the coin.

Most of us tend to be very oriented,
rather preoccupied to the immediate facade of the stories
that we hear in almost every second of our lives.
At times, we listen... but we don't listen deeper.

Hidden from our sight is a story never told the way it should be --- the other side!!!

This is the time for us to recoil and rebound towards the unclaimed kingdom.
If you believe that you are the other side, please feel free to post your sentiments.

if you believe that there are others
who might need your attention because they are lurking on the other side,
then feel free to read and give critical but beneficial advises
and comments about they feel.

These could be your chance to be heard...

This could be your chance to hear from the other side...

...it could be in any form such as, Poems, Essays, Quotations and Short Stories re. any issues, sentiments, sexual rel., love
friends, frustrations, sadness, politics, family, religion, arts, homosexuality, nature, etc...


Some of the pieces has explicit contents, reader's discretion is highly advised.
Comments, criticisms and editions are highly appreciated.


"Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" line taken from a twitter entry of DJ Mo Twister.
I read it in a local newspaper (BULGAR Tabloid) Entertainment Page
as "quoted" by a writer in his(?) column.

No Copyright Infringement intended.


The Photo
(A red rose washed ashore)
The photo was taken from www.google.com., and was edited in Microsoft Window's paint.
Copied without the owner's permission.
Under Fair Usage Law(?) credits are due to the original owner.


The Other Side or TheOside
Any similarities to one's blog/page/group's name is not intended.
It is purely coincidental.


The Description
The description of this blog was sent to me... made for me by my bestfriend, Carlvon.


a Plea :)
The blogger wish to ask kind considerations from readers 
(specialy to those literary inclined)
 that the poems, essays and stories written on this site
are without professional editions 
and or proof readings.

All pieces are as novice as an amateur pieces should be,
readers editions and criticisms are highly appreciated.